Will Adams WillAdamsDotDev

Some stuff built by Me

Bushblade Knives Website

Created out of a need for a site to showcase my work as a Knife Maker and the project that set me on my web development journey. The site has undergone many iterations over the years but is currently built using Gatsby and Styled Components, animations with React Spring and continuous deployment to Netlify through GitHub.

Repository link

Tech stack used

Gatsby Styled Components Netlify React Spring

React Touch & Drag Slider

A touch friendly slider component for React with zero dependencies, originally made for Bushblade Knives but I decided to publish to the npm registry. Written in TypeScript and developed in Vite library mode.

Repository link

Tech stack used

React Vite TypeScript

West Yorkshire Bushcraft Website

Built for my Bushcraft group to show the sort of things we get up to and help people find us. Built using Gatsby and Styled Components, animations with React Spring and continuous deployment to Netlify through GitHub.

Repository link

Tech stack used

Gatsby React Spring Netlify

This site!

This site you're looking at now - Built with Astro, TypeScript and TailwindCSS.

Repository link

Tech stack used

Astro TypeScript TailwindCSS Netlify